Thursday 23 July 2009

As a tax payer, and member of the the human race I am constantly amazed at this country's ability to lay down and die, at our Goverments constant ability to award taxes on the common man, to beef up the economy, or as we all know to line their own pockets through dodgy expenses. We face ruin through the mismanagement of our finances, and out deficit is enough to give God erectile dysfunction, and start clammering for the Viagra.
And what do we do to aid this? We decide before we send back 1000 immigrants next month that they are allowed full hospital treatment for any ailments they may have so they may arrive at there piss poor economic shores healthy at our expense.
So not only have the lazy skiving bastards been fed and sheltered, they also have the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy, by infecting everyone in close proximity of any disease they have contracted through doing fuck all and sponging of our state.
Personally the only time I want concentrate on an illegal immigrant is when i'm behind the eyepiece of my rifle.
I saw an East European peddling like hell down my road the other night, and the only reason I didn't strike out and knock the fucker off was because he was on my bike, and I didn't want to scratch it.
Now some tree hugging, hemp wearing, liberal Guardian readers may state that I am not being politically correct, and maybe even rascist, but that is only because they have the intelligence of a frozen Dover Sole fillet, and there parents were incestuous siblings.
This is not about colour, creed or religion. It is about protecting the basic moral fibre of this once great country, and allowing all people who are hard working, respectable, and have a sence of duty to live their lives in a normal balanced society.
I will leave this blog with the following quote:

To an illegal-Immigration is the most sincerest form of flattery

Dr Packinwood

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